We all know at least one kid who just won’t eat anything. Maybe it’s your kid. Maybe you were that kid. You know, the one who will only eat foods in shades of beige and screams at the sight of a vegetable. How do you get these people to appreciate the whole rainbow of foods out there and, more importantly, have a varied and healthy diet?
A company called Noshi thinks they might have cracked the picky eater code with their product. They created something that encourages kids to appreciate the bright colors of fruits and vegetables in an artistic way — by turning them into paint.
Noshi Food Paint comes in squeezable pouches full of mashed fruits and vegetables that kids can “paint” with.
They can add some color in a creative way, and that color secretly doubles as a serving of fruit or vegetables.
Kids can customize their meals in six colors.
The Food Paint comes in every color of the rainbow.
Obviously, some paints will pair better with certain foods, but thanks to Food Paint, kids might be more willing to explore combinations they would have otherwise shied away from.
In case you’re wondering how the colors look, here they are in jars.
We bet you didn’t know your food could be so pretty as puree!
If this all sounds messy and undignified, don’t worry. It is.
Studies have shown that when kids are allowed to play with their food, they’re more likely to try eating it. They’ll also develop more of a curiosity about food and might grow up more willing to try new things.
(via Lost At E Minor, Cool Hunting)
You can learn more about Food Paint on Noshi’s website, and stay in touch with them on Twitter. There’s also a Kickstarter to get Food Paint off the ground, although it is currently not accepting further funding. But stay tuned — it might come back.