They Thought This Little Baby Was Injured Beyond Saving...Until She Did This!

When a couple spotted what looked like an injured baby deer in their driveway, they wondered if maybe all hope was lost. Her little gangly legs were all tangled, and she wasn’t responding when Eric tried to help her up. They didn’t want to just leave the little baby there, so they stuck around…

Then this happened!

(source Baby fawn thinks human is it’s mother by LittleThingsVideo)

While this is an amazing experience for a human to have, you should know that mother deer will often leave their young babies alone while they go out in search of food. This little one’s mom came back shortly after her quick playtime with Eric and the pup, and as soon as the couple noticed the real mother was on her way back, they let their new friend lie down and wait. They also made sure that they saw the two walk off into the wilderness together, and that everyone was safe and sound!

Looking for more adorable deer? Here you go!

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