Awesome Airport Staff Take Kid’s Lost Hobbes Toy On Epic Adventure

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6-year-old Owen Lake was traveling with his family when he lost his beloved tiger Hobbes stuffed animal, based after the Calvin & Hobbes comic series. The kid’s lost Hobbes toy turned up at Tampa International Airport, but by the time staff found it Owen and his family was already in route to Houston, Texas.

Hobbes lucked out because the airport promised to keep him safe until his owner returned. Airport staff even took him on a fleet of awesome adventures where Hobbes got to see all sorts of cool behind-the-scenes parts of the airport.

While Owen was originally bummed about misplacing his stuffed animal he ended up lucky too. When he and his family returned to Tampa airport his stuffed animal was safely returned to him. Plus, airport staff awarded Owen with a photo album packed full of photos documenting Hobbes’ adventures while the two were separated.

Solving the problems around the airport is a team effort

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Hobbes helping out with the luggage

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Hobbes checking out the FAA Air Traffic Control Tower

hobbes-stuffed-animal-lost-airport-tampa-international-owen-lake-1 hobbes stuffed animal lost airport tampa international owen lake 1hobbes-stuffed-animal-lost-airport-tampa-international-owen-lake-5 hobbes stuffed animal lost airport tampa international owen lake 5Gelato at Carrabba’s for all of his hard work!

hobbes-stuffed-animal-lost-airport-tampa-international-owen-lake-2 hobbes stuffed animal lost airport tampa international owen lake 2Hobbes even made it over to The Marriott to help deliver some luggage

hobbes-stuffed-animal-lost-airport-tampa-international-owen-lake-3 hobbes stuffed animal lost airport tampa international owen lake 3The best part for both stuffed animal and boy was when the two were reunited. One week later 6-year-old Owen was given his stuffed animal as well as a photo book packed full his favorite toy’s awesome adventures around the airport.

hobbes-stuffed-animal-lost-airport-tampa-international-owen-lake-7 hobbes stuffed animal lost airport tampa international owen lake 7So the next time you’re at the Tampa airport you just might want to lose your stuffed animal… just sayin!

Photo Credits: tampaairport.comFacebookTwitterInstagram

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