What happens on Internet in 60 Seconds?

The World Wide Web is growing almost in the speed-of-light. And it grows in a rate that on average 6 billion pages are added to the internet everyday.

Did You Know?

Did you know that every 60 seconds:
  1. The search engine Google serves more than 694,445 queries
  2. 6,600+ pictures are uploaded on Flickr
  3. 600 videos are uploaded on YouTube videos, creating another 25+ hours of content
  4. 695,000 status updates, 79,364 wall posts and 510,040 comments are published on Facebook
  5. 70 new domains are registered
  6. 168,000,000+ emails are sent
  7. 320 new accounts and 98,000 tweets are generated on Twitter
  8. iPhone applications are downloaded more than13,000 times
  9. 20,000 new posts are published on micro-blogging platform Tumblr
  10. The browser FireFox is downloaded more than 1,700 times
  11. The blogging platform WordPress is downloaded more than 50 times
  12. WordPress Plugins are downloaded more than 125 times
  13. 100 accounts are created on LinkedIn
  14. 40 new questions are asked on YahooAnswers
  15. 100+ questions are asked on Answers.com
  16. 1 new article is published on Associated Content, the world’s largest source of community-created content
  17. 1 new definition is added on UrbanDictionary
  18. 1,200+ new ads are created on Craigslist
  19. 370,000+ minutes of Skype voice calls
  20. 13,000+ hours of music streaming on Pandora
  21. 1,600+ reads are made on Scribd

Added bits

Everyday, 15 petabytes of new information are generated.
The amount of information today is approximately 988 exabytes (equivalent to a stack of books from the Sun to Pluto and back.
Today, the processing power of the Web is almost equivalent to one human brain. By 2040, it will exceed the total processing power of all of humanity.
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