Unique Hotel in Northern Sweden

A new idea in hospitality and tourism is taking shape in the remote wilderness of Harads, Sweden. Treehotel  offers guests a unique experience: 

accommodations in one-of-a-kind tree-house rooms, designed to exist in harmony with the pristine natural environment around them.

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Here is a new hotel concept, quite strange but fanciful and exotic. Initiated by Swedish achitects, this extravagant project is in fact a child’s dream.
Undoubtedly, as the models suggest, the architects and designers have put a lot of fun in the project. And the result is astonishing: a UFO-like tree house, inspired by bird nests, also similar to a cloud, made out of textile, and finally a cubic mirror-hut made out of aluminium. Entirely made out of mirror glass, the hut is reflecting all the surrounding natural elements in order to melt into the forestry world.To avoid any harm to wildlife, the mirrored walls will be fitted with an infrared film visible only to birds.

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