10 Kingdom in the World is Still Up Today

Monarchy, derived from the Greek monos meaning one, and archein which means government. Monarchy is a kind of government headed by a monarch. Monarchy or the royal government system is the world's oldest systems. In the early period to the 19th, there are over 900 pieces of the world's royal throne, but declined to 240 pieces in the 20th century. While on kelapan decade of the 20th century, only 40 throne are still there. Of these, only four countries have an absolute monarch and the rest are limited to the constitutional system.

Differences between the ruling monarchy with a president as head of state is the monarch to be head of state throughout his life, while the president usually holds this position for a specified period. But in federal countries such as Malaysia, the ruling monarch or his lordship Court only ruled for 5 years and will be replaced by a monarch from another country in the alliance. In the current era, the concept of absolute monarchy is almost no longer exists and most of them are a constitutional monarchy, which the monarch is limited power by the constitution.

Democratic monarchy different from the concept of the real monarch. In habit monarch would inherit his throne. But in a democratic monarchy, the throne will monarch-rotating shifts among some of the sultan. Malaysia for example, practice the two systems is the royal constitutional and democratic monarchy.

For most countries, the ruling monarchy is a symbol of continuity and sovereignty of the country. In addition, the monarch usually the head of religion and the commander of the armed forces of a country. For example in Malaysia, his lordship is the chairman of Supreme Islamic religion, while in the United Kingdom and the country under the shade, Queen Elizabeth II is head of Anglican Christianity. However, at present this is usually the role as chairman of the religion is symbolic only.
In addition to the ruling monarchy, there are several types of heads of government who have a wider field of power, such as Maharaja and the Caliph.

Saudi Arabia or Saudi Arabia or the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the Arab country located in the Arabian Peninsula. Saudi Arabia known as the State of birth of Prophet Muhammad and the growth and development of Islamic religion, so that the flag there are two sentences creed. The economy generated from abundant oil resources and also from the activities of Hajj / Umrah is done by Muslims around the world each year.

Netherlands (Dutch: Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, literally means "Land of the Kingdom of Low-Land") is a country in northwestern Europe. The Netherlands is one of the most populous country in the world. The Netherlands is also famous for its Dijk (dike), windmills, wooden terompa, tulips and open nature of its society. Liberal nature of the designation of the international community. The Netherlands also became the seat of the Court. Amsterdam is the capital city of The Hague, the Netherlands and the administrative center and residence of the Queen of the Netherlands.


Kingdom of Denmark (Danish: Kongeriget Danmark) is the smallest Nordic country and the south. The country adheres to a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy. Denmark has one central government and 98 municipalities as local governments. Denmark has been a member of the European Union since 1973, but until now still not joined the Eurozone. Denmark is one of the founders of NATO and the OECD. Denmark is also a member of the OSCE.


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (English language: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or abbreviated SE) or commonly known as the United Kingdom, England, United Kingdom, or the island of Great Britain. United Kingdom has two of the world's leading universities, namely University of Cambridge and Oxford Universities where figures and military scientists, like Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Michael Faraday, Paul Dirac and Isambard Kingdom Brunel taste.


Kingdom of Cambodia is a country in the form of constitutional monarchy in Southeast Asia. This country is the successor to the Khmer Empire that once ruled the entire Indochina Peninsula between the 11th century and 14. By independence, the Republic of Indonesia has been helping this country Cambodia. The book - a book written by a war tactics of the Indonesian military officers are widely used by the Cambodian military. Therefore, the candidates in the Cambodian army officers, compulsory education and can speak Indonesian.

6. Morocco

Kingdom of Morocco is a country in northwest Africa, which has a long coastline that extends near the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar to the Mediterranean Sea. Morocco occupied Western Sahara in 1975, but the event has not been recognized globally. Anyway, do not forget! Morocco also known for its character penjelajahnya, Ibn Battuta.


Kingdom of Thai (Thai official name: Ratcha Anachak Thai, or Thai Prath), which is more often called in English Thai, or Thai Mueang in its original language (pronounced "go-thai", together with its English version, meaning "of the Thai "), is a country in Southeast Asia. The king has little direct power under the constitution but it is a protector of Buddhism and a symbol of Thai identity and national unity. The king who ruled at this time with a large respected and considered a leader in terms of morale.


Kingdom of Spain (Spanish and Galician: Reino de España, Catalan: Regne d'Espanya, Basque: Espainiako Erresuma) is a country in southwestern Europe. Countries that once tercipata an Islamic civilization, as evidenced by the famous Alhambra palace architecture requirements will be art and beauty. Famous also for fashion and football.


Kingdom of Sweden or Konungariket Sverige in Swedish is a Nordic country in Scandinavia, Europe whose capital is Stockholm. Sweden is one of the poorest countries in Europe in the 19th century, due to high alcohol consumption and dogmatic Protestantism, to develop transportation and communication allow the utilization of natural assets from several parts of the country.

Hasyimiyah Kingdom of Jordan, commonly called Jordan, is a country in the Middle East, which borders Syria to the north, Saudi Arabia in the east and south, Iraq to the northeast, as well as Israel and the West Bank in the west. Jordan receives the flow of Palestinian refugees for more than 3 decades, making it as one of the world's largest reservoir refugee. Mineral-poor country is importing crude oil from neighboring countries.

1 comment:

  1. Really we can't imagine that Kingdom exist in our world now a days but its quite true that it really exist and works too. Like the ones you have posted in which the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is really a practical example. Thanks for the post....
