6 Ancient Muslim Advancements


An illustration shows a Muslim and Christian playing chess in a tent, from King Alfonso X's 13th-century Libros del Ajedrez.

Water Supply
Pages from a 13th-century manuscript depict two water-raising machines designed by Al-Jazari. Water-raising machines are driven by a water turbine through geared shafts, which turn a sindi wheel carrying a long belt of buckets. Al-Jazari made a wooden animal and placed it on the rotating disc on the machine so people would not think the automatic machine was driven by "magic"; they thought it was driven by an animal, operating multiple gears with partial teeth to produce a sequence of motion in four scoops that took water from the river one scoop at a time. This design included the first known appearance of a camshaft, which controlled the mechanism.

Paper Making
A 17th-century manuscript shows the paper making process.

Physician Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu from Amasya, Turkey, showed various surgical procedures in his 15th-century Cerrahiyyet'ul Haniyye.

A 16th-century miniature from the Hunernâme, by Mehmed Bursevî, shows the ascension to the throne of Sultan Selim I. The various uniforms classify ranks in the government. A senior officer is leaning to kiss the hem of the sultan's cloak. Kissing the hemi is an Ottoman tradition to demonstrate loyalty and obedience.


Astronomers study the moon and the stars in this Ottoman-style painting.


  1. this is ridicolus.......there are older records than 13th and 16th century when Muslim relegion didn't even exist.

    Do you think people were just like monkey at that point?


  2. That is why we wrote "Advancements" inspite of "Invention".

  3. ha ha what delusion,

    chess originated in India, before the 6th century AD.

    water supply started in neolithic age indus valley civilization has the proven records of water supply and planned citites long before mu-ham-head or christ was born

    oldest true Observatory is at Rhodes, Greece c.150 BC:

    surgery evidence is from india dating 600 BC sushrata was the guy

    Paper was invented by the Chinese by 105 AD

    earliest mention of the tent is in the book of genesis written in 540 bc

    lol none of the above mentioned stuff was brought up by muslims..lmao...however they did steal all this technology from anyone they plundered...but I guess this is not taught in your madarsas so keep living in your lala land.

  4. So a Muslim plays chess and somehow advances the game? I've played chess, so I have advanced it. I'm going to do a blog about it. I've also used a tent and made homemade paper so I can also claim to have advanced those things.

    If you even included some writeup of HOW they advanced these things it would be somewhat less idiotic but all you did was post some old paintings featuring guys in turbans as an excuse to do a blog entry.

  5. wow, the haters remain the haters....cant accept the facts
