61% of homicides go unsolved—meaning 5,400 killers walk free every year! Police have one theory as to why

61% of homicides go unsolved—meaning 5,400 killers walk free every year! Police have one theory as to why

In 1963, the solved rate of a homicide was 91%.

That number has dropped to a staggering solve rate of 61% by 2007. With over 14,000 criminal homicides a year, that leaves about 5,400 new killers walking among us every single year!

Law enforcement officials have given the reason that with the rise of gang related activities, it makes it harder for police officers to solve the crimes. Often times gang-related murders are impersonal, and at times the people involved have never even met. Whereas when a neighbor kills a neighbor, there are more strings to follow to allow the detectives to find the killer.

Also, with shows like 'CSI,' jurors come into the courtroom expecting some technological magic show, but that is not the case in reality. Prosecutors have found it difficult to lower the expectations of the jurors when it comes to the type of evidence they can realistically expect from the trial.


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