John Lennon, despite what many Beatles fans would like to believe, was a terrible family man. John Lennon wasn't around when his son Julian was growing up, and once the divorce was finalized with Cynthia Lennon, John seemed to walk out on Julian altogether.
To add insult to injury, John Lennon completely removed Julian and Cynthia from his will when he passed away. All of John's fortune went to Yoko Ono.
After being snubbed, Julian Lennon went on a 16 year legal battle with Yoko Ono before she settled for an unnamed amount of money, believed to be in the neighbourhood of 20 million pounds!
However, the legal battle reminded Cynthia Lennon of her own legal battle that she had with John during the divorce. Cynthia remembers John being cruel about offering child support, and claims he supposedly said "My final offer is seventy-five thousand pounds. That's like winning the pools, so what are you moaning about? You're not worth any more."