For those of you who didn’t get a chance to see this awesome cartoon in the 90s, the “Angry Beavers” is an American animated television series created by Mitch Schauer for the Nickelodeon channels.
The series revolves around Dagget and Norbert Beaver, two young beaver brothers who have left their home to become bachelors in the forest.
However, the final episode of the series was never aired! In this episode Dag and Norb realize they are cartoons, discuss that they are getting cancelled and even end up both repeatedly calling each other by the voice-actors’ names.
There’s no known animation for it, only audio, and it sounds like a table read as there are some other voices and cracking up. According to the video, Nick had a strict rule that cartoons weren’t able to acknowledge that they weren’t real.
Also shows weren’t supposed to acknowledge that they were ending, presumably to fit in with syndication. Although they yell “April Fools!” At the end, this episode was listed in the production of the series, and it seems like the final product was intented to air.